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How Old Are You in Spanish?

In English, when you ask someone how old he is, he responds “How old are you?” But in Spanish, you will not use the word “how” to indicate someone’s age. Instead, you will use tener and aos (old) instead of “how”. “Tener” and “os” can also be used to indicate the time of day. So “Ponerse ello” means “five o’clock in the afternoon”.

In addition, you do not need to use “ponerse ello” or “tu eres” to indicate the month of the year. Instead, use “tu accuen” to indicate the day of the month. You could also use “tu accusa” to indicate the day of the week. This is just an example that demonstrate how you can use common Spanish words to address different age groups in Spanish.

The question “how old are you in Spanish?” can also be answered in another way. If you are asking it to your friend, use “Ponerse congresso” which means “you are twenty years old” and “congresso” means young. Similarly, “enesiaste aventura” means “seventura” and “aventura” means old.

Of course, it would be easier to find out how old you are if you have someone around to ask the question to. In that case, asking “Pone de guaylo” (How old are you in Hispanic/GERA) or “Pone en el centro” (How old are you in the European Centrum) would work best. If there is no one around to ask, the next question you could ask is “Pone a traer” (How old are you in Spain) and “tu accabar” (what would you like to do today? ).

As you can see, there are lots of options available when someone would like to know “how old are you in Spanish”. This is where the Internet comes in handy. With the help of the Internet, you can find out not only how old you are but also where you are. With some clicks of the mouse, your answers will be on your computer screen before you know it. And then, when the inevitable happens, and you get asked how old you are in Spanish during a real life situation, you won’t panic because you already have an answer prepared for this question.

So, if you were wondering how old you are in Spanish, don’t fret. Just log on to the Internet, pick up your laptop, and find the answer to that age-old question. And don’t worry; there are plenty of good websites out there that will give you all the answers that you need in just a few mouse clicks. Good luck!